Krista Jacobs

STRONG Master Trainer/Technical Trainer; NASM Certified Personal Trainer/Corrective Exercise Specialist; AFAA GFI Certified

Sunday, 12:00 pm-12:30 pm, Group Training Zone

Meet Krista Jacobs, STRONG Nation™ Master Trainer and Strong Tech, also a Certified Personal Trainer, Corrective Exercise Specialist, and AFAA GXI certified instructor. ​Over the years, Krista has been tapped to work with many groups including 24 Hour Fitness as a GX instructor, Personal Trainer and filming talent. ​Krista has been a presenter at trade shows such as FitExpo, IDEA, IHRSA and more. Krista is leading a fit pro full day training for STRONG Nation.  And, you can work out with her at the GTZ.

Interested in becoming a STRONG Nation trainer?

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