Lauren Fisher

Founder Grown Strong, Weightlifter, 7x CrossFit Athlete

AskMeAnything: Lauren Fisher, Elite CrossFit
Saturday, 3:30pm-4:00pm TheFitExpo Stage

I am 27 years old and a California Native currently living in San Diego! I was lucky enough to start sports at a very young age. At 13 years old my older brothers got me into CrossFit as an extra strength and conditioning program to get ready for my basketball season. It quickly became everything I was looking for in a sport. CrossFit challenges me in ways my body and mind has never been challenged before, and I learned that as a women, strength is incredibly empowering!

I aim to lead an authentic and balanced life though nutrition, exercise and passion based projects. Everything I share with my followers is something I use in my every day life that benefits ME! My goal is to use my journey to inspire others to embrace their strength, confidence, and to pursue their dreams no matter their age.

I firmly believe that every day is an opportunity to work a little harder, smile, and to be fearlessly authentic – Be YOU.

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Grown Strong is challenging women to tap into their individual strength to see that strong is beautiful and giving up is simply not an option. This relentless pursuit is what has created a community crafted by discipline.

We are built on the ideals that through fitness we can develop confidence, strength, perseverance, and discipline—skills that will not only help us reach our fitness goals, but will help create a positive impact and overcome obstacles in all areas of our lives. Our goal is to provide comfort, style, and community for all women to take on new challenges, both in and out of the gym.