June 28-29, 2025

San Jose 2025


Important: We have been informed that several third-party vendors have approached our exhibitors and attendees regarding hotel accommodations at a lesser cost. If you receive any solicitations via email, telephone, or fax, we ask that you please contact us immediately at This practice, often termed ‘room poaching,’ is carried out by third-party companies — unaffiliated with TheFitExpo — that act as various agencies or services in order to solicit attendees and/or exhibitors for room reservations. These individuals may often misrepresent themselves as the event’s official housing provider, and contact registrants and exhibitors with discounted offers for housing. You can view a list of these companies HERE. By establishing our event’s own hotel room block, we guarantee that rooms not only meet our standards, but are also offered at a reduced price. Moreover, room poachers are typically part of a scam: rooms are often nonexistent, in a different hotel location, or sometimes even incur hefty cancellation charges on guests’ credit cards.

San Jose Marriott

301 South Market Street
San Jose, CA 95113

TheFitExpo Special Room Rate:
$199 (Single/Double Rate)

Group rate is valid: until July 3, 2025

Group Name: Fit Expo 2025
Call-in #: (408) 280-1300
1 night deposit required, 48 hour cancellation policy.

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Don’t miss out on this opportunity to stay connected with the biggest fitness extravaganza of the year!