I love food and I am no stranger to the pure bliss experienced when a sugary dessert hits the tastebuds. With growing concerns for my health, I knew that I needed to focus on foods that would help me achieve a healthier lifestyle, so I dove right into the latest diet-food trends and found nothing but disappointment at the bottom of every snack bag. The textures were too hard or too soft. Many products were packed with artificial sugars, had terrible aftertastes, and for the most part didn’t even look like FOOD. Why can’t healthy food taste great and support my new lifestyle?
At the Fat Kounter, we strive to not only provide the resources and products you need to optimize your health, but also feed your knowledge regarding healthy food! It all starts in the kitchen with the highest quality ingredients. We offer complete transparency. Our products are simple and clean.
Fat Kounter is nothing your body doesn’t need but everything your taste buds deserve!
Fat Kounter wants to support the working moms running from office to daycare, the long-shift first responders, the kids in-between baseball games or dance recitals, and the dads rushing from work to coach little league. Fat Kounter is for anyone who needs a satisfying on-the-go snack, without sacrificing quality and taste. We are dedicated to supporting your lifestyle and desire to be healthier and happier! No matter where you are, you can always grab a bar and have a seat at our Kounter!

Crystal Reneau

WEBSITE: Fat Kounter