LOCATION: GTZ Stage Area “J” 1:30 pm
The Angel Fashion Show, hosted by Angel Competition Bikinis, is a truly spectacular, empowering event with inspiring women from all over the world. The show features athletic models who grace the stage in ACBikinis spreading positive awareness on being a strong and fit female.

Lexi Lutz @lexinicolelutz
Megan Ewoldsen @meganewoldsen
Angelika Schenk
Mini Rattu @dr.mini_Kaur
Rebekka Tucker @the_bekks
Tatyanna Barr @tschmizzlee
Adrielle Gan
Nikki Dockery @livinwithnikki
LeAnn Kelly @lmkfit45
Jaci Gill @jacigill
Cheryl Shiver @cheryl_caligirlleaderofthepack
Giselle Guce @getfitwithgee.1010
Jenna Brown @jenna92009
Jamie Zielinski @masteryou24course
Relly Hall @rellylarice
Senie Grant @seniebikini
Val Duncan @winniechuckyval
Madison Heintschel @maddsity
Jessica Aguilar @jessclaraguilarmsw
Marilyn Dasher @md_fitnessmom707